Plant a Smile at Pelion Outdoor Classroom!

Practice so you can come make art in Pelion later


HOWL ALERT: Let 2025 know you're wild and free!


HEEEEEYYYY! We received our first holiday tree donation--THANKS! Please keep'm coming. We need at least 15-20 trees if they're under 6' Ms.Caesandra won't be in BFLO for January to go around and collect any so if you have a little truck and some time to scout, we'd really appreciate it. Set them on any of the covered beds or pile them in the 3 Sisters Island.


Maybe you recognize a younger face? Maybe we caught you accidentally having fun doing chores? We still have the west end of the fence to cover but hopefully this is much more cheerful than the impending slush.


Very small BUT CHEERFUL crowd. Let us know if you want us to keep doing this event. We love it and believe it’s a great social experience (and it wasn’t as cold as last year) but if there’s no interest… In the first years we also tried to add caroling.


THANK YOU to everyone that donated in late 2023’s SEEDMONEY campaign to repair our decade+ old fence. We also added several portraits of volunteers and students who have helped build the garden. More will be added once Ms.Caesandra returns from TEXAS.

I was saying to someone tonight how people visit and assume our garden is finished or that we built it all back in 2011. No, we have utilized donations, castoffs, bulk trash treasures, and re applied and RE APPLIED for grant funding to build and repair and replace infrastructure as it aged. Gardens mature only with attention and dedication. Thank you to everyone that has supported GGWNY, CHS Foundation and Pelion directly.


SUPER FUN!! Share pics of your fave window displays below


snow in nooks and crannies.


Just a reminder--your regular grocery shopping can pay for our garden programs. Box Tops for Education and Tops loyalty card registration, and DASH's receipts are all zero cost--and can be cumulative if you remind your friends and family too. Thanks.

It's definitely going to be COLD!! But we will have hot cocoa and cider + a few other tricks to warm you up.


Pelion Facebook Page

Pelion Garden

We are funded
by your donations